Mark your Calendar! Join Ms. Telli Hughes, our Asst. Principal of Instruction, for an informative meeting about the Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS)! The meeting will be held virtually and a link will be sent via Remind for both sessions.
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
gmas parent meeting
2023-2024 FVMS Yearbooks are on sale! Purchase one today for $35!
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
yearbook link
Attention 8th Grade Parents: Feature your 8th Grader's baby picture in this year's yearbook for $5.00! Deadline is March 31st.
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
8th Grade Baby Pictures
Calling all dancers!!! The Triple Threat Trojanettes Dance Team will have tryouts next week!
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Dance Team Tryouts
The March "Coffee and Conversations" Autism Support Group meeting has been cancelled.
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
cancelled coffee and conversations
FVMS Football Afterschool Workouts begin March 25th! Students must have a physical on file to participate. There is a FVMS Football Parent Meeting March 28th in the FVMS Gymnasium at 5pm.
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
FVMS Parent Meeting
FVMS Football Workouts
Pi Day at FVMS was filled with learning, fun, and treats! Students in Ms. Rumph and Mrs. Girdner's math classes engaged in activities to calculate the circumference of a circle.
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Rumph's pi day
Pi day
Girdner's pi day
Pi day
Congratulations to our Young Georgia Authors Winners, Melanie Adrian-Torres and Brisa Ramirez!
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Young Georgia Authors Winners
Come out to support our Soccer Team today!
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Byron Soccer Game
Our 8th Graders learned about the benefits of the Upward Bound program offered through Fort Valley State University and received applications this morning!
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
upward bound
8th grade
Counselor Richardson
The Middle School Track Meet scheduled for this week at PCHS has been cancelled.
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
MS Track Meet Cancelled
Ms. Ellis' Math students are using plants to measure slope. Students will graph the plants' growth as it relates to the greenhouse temperature, water intake, and seed depth.
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
ellis measuring slope with plants
Support the Rolling Trojans! See the flyer for more information.
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
PC Rolling Trojans
We would like to welcome Ms. Clayeisha Thompson to the FVMS Family as our Bookkeeper and Administrative Assistant!
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Welcome C. Thompson
Ms. Holmes' Physical Science students built pinhole cameras to show how light behaves! When light enters the pinhole of the cameras it inverts the image and projects it on the back.
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Pinhole Cameras
Mark your calendars! 8th Grade Night for Soccer is March 18th! Come support our Trojans!
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
8th grade soccer night
soccer schedule
8th grade night in Spanish
Here are some local events that are happening in our community! See the flyers for more information!
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
FV Head Start
spring into health
Dorian Barner and Wyatt Bowden represented FVMS well by delivering a compelling speech for Board Appreciation Day at today's Board Meeting.
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Wyatt and Dorian
Students in the FVMS Music and Fine Arts After School Program have been learning how to play the guitar!
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
guitar lessons
guitar lessons
guitar lessons
class shot of guitar players
Art Club students, Trinity Burton and Camryn Rodgers, painted the Jailhouse Park Little Library in Byron, Ga. Under the direction of Ms. Kilitzian, the girls spent days creating beautiful artwork to decorate the outdoor library.
11 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School
art students
Take a book artwork
Camryn Rogers
Trinity Burton
painting a tree
painting at night