We look forward to honoring our 6th and 7th grade scholars Friday, May 17th!
Final Exam Schedule
Monday, May 20th
ELA, Science, and Connection B
Tuesday, May 21st
Math, Social Studies, and Connection A
Exception: Connections teachers will give final exams May 16th and May 17th for 8th grade students.
The FVMS 5th Grade Parent Transition Meeting will be held Thursday, May 16th at 5:30 pm!
Our 2024-2025 Support Staff of the Year is Crystal Smith! She diligently serves as our school nurse. Nurse Smith is dedicated to the health and well-being of our staff and students. Her caring and sweet nature is appreciated by all. Congratulations Nurse Smith and thank you for all that you do!
The wisdom, resilience, and dedication of Mrs. Justine Girdner and Dr. Marsha Hogan was celebrated at the district's Retiree's Banquet. It is with great pleasure that we applaud the retirement of these two legendary FVMS educators! #40years #30years #FVMSLegends #welldeserved
The 8th Grade Bridge Ceremony will be held May 22, 2024 at 1:00pm. All 8th Grade students will receive an invitation. Invitations and dress code requirements for the program will be sent home.
Awards Day Programs for 6th and 7th Grade students will be held May 17, 2024 for students that receive an invitation. The 7th Grade program is at 8:00am and the 6th Grade program is at 10:00am.
FVMS would like to wish a Happy School Principal's Day to our fantastic leader, Ms. Kizzy Johnson! Thank you for all that you do for our school!
Parents please make sure you sign and return the verification forms sent home. Completed forms are needed for the 2024-2025 school year.
Congratulations to Dulce Avila-Hernandez, Carina Perez, and Melanie Adrian Torres for placing in the Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. Youth Poetry Contest! These young ladies were presented with certificates and monetary awards for their writing skills. We are so proud of you!
We look forward to Trojan Day which will be held May 10, 2024! See the flyer for all the fun we have planned for our students! This event is not open to the public.
Happy Administrative Professionals' Day to Ms. Harris, Mrs. Richmond, and Mrs. Thompson! Your hard work is evident in every school day! You are appreciated!
FVMS had a great first day of testing! We encourage our students to do their best today on ELA Sections 2 and 3. Here are some GMAS reminders as students prepare each day to show what they know!
FVSU will host the STEM Spring Fling on May 4, 2024! See the flyer for more information.
Field Day T-Shirts will go on sale tomorrow during lunch. Shirts can only be purchased during lunch time. Students will receive an order form today. Cost is $13.00. The deadline is May 3, 2024. Sixth grade has green shirts. Seventh grade has orange shirts. Eighth grade has blue shirts.
Our 5th Grade Transition Meeting for parents and students will be held May 16th at 5:30pm!
Our chorus participated in the Southern Star Music Festival this past weekend!
Attention Parents! Please fill out the Parent Georgia Milestones Workshop form. Thank you!
Attention Parents! Here is the link for the GMAS Parent Presentation prepared by our Assistant Principal Telli Hughes.
The Peach Autism Parent Support Group will meet Saturday, May 11, 2024. See the flyer for more information.