Ms. Christina Marin, 7th Grade Social Studies teacher, presented at the Georgia Council for Social Studies in Athens. Her presentation was titled, "The Enlightenment Dinner Party." She shared with fellow educators how AP World History students can perform a social activity as enlightened philosophers, despots, and scientists. #teachingandlearningatFVMS

Attention Parents: Progress Reports will be sent home with students today!

FVMS has a new member of the family! Please welcome Ms. Mary Hill as our new Student Services teacher!

Fort Valley State University's Men’s and Women’s Basketball Teams are hosting a Trunk or Treat event from 6pm-6:45pm and a Halloween Madness event from 7pm-8pm on FVSU campus tomorrow night.

Fort Valley Middle School's Beta Club traveled to Great Wolf Lodge in Lagrange, GA for the National Beta Club's Leadership Summit held October 23-24, 2023. Fort Valley Middle School was recognized as an Outstanding Leadership School. Students also placed in the Collaboration Connection competition earning them a spot to compete at the National Convention in June.

Ms. Burnette’s 7th grade science class has been working on scientific inquiry with an emphasis on group work. Students had to draft a design of how they could make the tallest structure using marshmallows and spaghetti noodles then build it. #teachingandlearningatFVMS

Mr. Bryant’s Business Education Class created their own debit cards. He also selected students of the month that displayed leadership, hard work, and went over and beyond expectations. These students were awarded certificates.

Mrs. Dunbar and Ms. Kilitzian's Academic Focus class worked on decoding existing words and constructing new words to strengthen their reading skills! #teachingandlearningatFVMS

The October Coffee and Conversations Autism Parent Event sponsored by Peach County Autism Support will be held October 26th at 8:15 a.m. at Dunkin Donuts in Byron, Ga.

The Hispanic Heritage Program was a beautiful display of Hispanic culture and diversity!

Middle School Night will be October, 27, 2023 at Peach County High School. Each student participating in Middle School Night will have the opportunity to purchase two (2) tickets for $5 each from the FVMS front office.

Congratulations to the newest members of the National Junior Beta Club!

Ms. Coley’s 8th grade Social Studies students completed their colonial unit by creating and analyzing a colony. Each group requested a charter from the King to start a colony in the New World by writing a persuasive essay. They had to prove they had the necessary skills, experience, and determination to create a successful colony.

It's Homecoming Week! Our staff and students are showing off their graphic t-shirts and hats today!

Celebrate your child's birthday by putting it on our school marquee! Forms are going home today and the cost is $10 per birthday wish.

Progress Reports for the 1st Nine Weeks will be sent home with students Thursday, September 14, 2023.

Get Ready FVMS! Homecoming Week is Sept. 18th-22nd!

We are proud of our FVMS students that had their art from last year featured in this year's Peach County School District Calendar!

Reminder! Please come out to our Annual Title I and Academic Open House Meetings tomorrow at 5:30pm and 6:00pm.

Attention 8th Grade Parents! There will be a meeting tomorrow, Sept. 5th at 5pm for those interested in their students attending a field trip to Savannah, Georgia. See the flyer for more info.