Students in Mr. Hogan’s class reviewed how to solve for a single variable and variables on both sides. They also learned how to solve equations that have compound inequalities.
about 24 hours ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Hogan's Math Lesson
Kyleigh Lane, Isabella Guzman, Noah Thomas, and Emmanuel Valencia represented FVMS well in the Cross Country Meet held in Leesburg, Georgia!
1 day ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Cross Country in Leesburg
The City of Fort Valley will have a Mexican Independence Day Celebration along with a sidewalk chalk artist competition on Friday, September 13th from 6 pm-11 pm!
about 23 hours ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Mexican Independence Day
Spanish Mexican Independence Day
Art Contest Info
Art Contest entry form
Please see the Open House Flyer for Fort Valley State University. This event is open to middle school students. FVSU would love to have some representation from Fort Valley Middle School on Saturday, September 14, 2024!
about 23 hours ago, Fort Valley Middle School
FVMS Fall Open House
Save the date! Join us for Literacy Night which will be held on October 17, 2024.
about 24 hours ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Literacy Night
Literacy Night Spanish
Come one, come all to our Fall Sneaker Ball! Save the date and see the behavior expectations for participation.
5 days ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Fall Sneaker Ball Flyer
Sneaker Ball Behavior Expectations
Help a Child Smile! Please see the flyer for more information.
7 days ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Help a Child Smile!
Ms. Aja Ellis' classes took advantage of today's beautiful weather and completed their equations lesson outside! Students were grouped to solve literal equations as well as one-step and two-step equations.
12 days ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Ellis Outdoor Math Lesson
In case you missed the FVMS Annual Title I Meeting yesterday, here is a link to view the meeting and leave your feedback.
12 days ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Virtual Title I Meeting Update
Lady Trojans Basketball Tryouts will be held September 17th and 18th until 4:30pm!
12 days ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Lady Trojans Basketball Tryouts
FVMS Presents: "Trojans Got Game" Homecoming Week! Let's get ready to celebrate our Trojans September 3rd-6th!
13 days ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Homecoming 24-25
Attention Parents! Our Annual Title I Meeting will be held virtually Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at 5:30pm. Hope to see you there! Link Information: To join the video meeting, click this link: Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 505-585-5190 and enter this PIN: 839 864 330# Sign-in form link:
14 days ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Title I
Title 1 Spanish
Special thanks to Captain Trice, Lieutenant Fowler, Sergeant Perry, and Sergeant Mobley of the Peach County Sheriff's Office for conducting a safety sweep of our school today!
18 days ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Thank you!
There are automated calls being made to parents of students who miss one or more periods during the school day around 6:00 p.m. each night. Calls will only be sent to the numbers of contacts listed as guardians in Infinite Campus.
22 days ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Absentee Call
Save the Date! Our Virtual Title I Meeting will be held August 28th at 5:30 pm. The link will be shared at a later date.
about 1 month ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Virtual Title I Meeting
Title I Meeting Spanish
Please see the following letter for information about our upcoming safety drills.
about 1 month ago, Fort Valley Middle School
Drills Letter
FVMS kindly requests that every student has a 3-inch or 2-inch binder and dividers by Monday, August 12, 2024, as we take the necessary steps to ensure all students are well-organized for learning.
about 1 month ago, Fort Valley Middle School
binder request post
2024-2025 FVMS Softball Schedule
about 1 month ago, Fort Valley Middle School
FVMS Softball
2024-2025 FVMS Football Schedule
about 1 month ago, Fort Valley Middle School
24-25 FVMS Football Schedule
Please help us welcome our new staff members to the FVMS Community!
about 2 months ago, Fort Valley Middle School