Ms. Charvez Holmes has been selected to represent the Peach County School System as the Teacher of the Year. Ms. Holmes diligently serves as an 8th Grade Science and Social Studie...
Our 2024-2025 Support Staff of the Year is Crystal Smith! She diligently serves as our school nurse. Nurse Smith is dedicated to the health and well-being of our staff and studen...
Congratulations to Ms. Charvez Holmes for being named Fort Valley Middle School's Teacher of the Year for the 2024-2025 school year. Ms. Holmes currently teaches science at Fort V...
Melanie Adrian-Torres, a 6th Grader at Fort Valley Middle School, was selected to represent the school in the Young Georgia Authors writing contest. Her poem went on to receive 1s...
Fort Valley Middle School received a generous donation of $1,050.00 from Big Brothers Big Sisters Heart of Georgia for being the Duck Dash Lucky Duck School Winner. The Duck Dash ...
Please consider helping our Triple Threat Trojanettes Dance Team with the cost of competitions and experiences by participating in their Double Good Popcorn fundraiser! https://...
We would like to introduce and welcome Kimberly Hampton as the newest member of the FVMS Family! She will serve as our new Family Engagement Coordinator!