Fort Valley Middle School
REACH Georgia
The Peach County School System REACH Scholars for 2023-2024 :

Hunter Miller

E'yohnna Davis
Fort Valley Middle School

Angelina Edwards
Byron Middle School

Damien Mathis
Byron Middle School
REACH Georgia is a mentorship and scholarship program that provides scholars with the academic, social, and financial support needed to graduate from high school, gain access to college and achieve post secondary success. Upon successful completion of the program, qualifying students earn a $10,000 scholarship ($2,500 max/year or $1,250/semester) towards the cost of attendance at a HOPE-eligible postsecondary institution.
To be eligible for the REACH Georgia Program, a student must:
Currently be a rising 8th grader at an eligible Georgia school in a participating district Demonstrate and provide proof of financial need
Have proven legal status in the United States (U.S. Citizen or legal resident)
Have good attendance and behavior
Have grade reports reflecting at least a 2.5 grade point average in core courses
Have a crime and drug-free record
Have demonstrated the support of a parent, legal guardian, or other caring adult
The Peach County School System REACH Scholars for 2023-2024 :
Fort Valley Middle School
Fort Valley Middle School
Byron Middle School
Byron Middle School